Pick Hawke's Bay - Become a member
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Become a member

To access our RSE workers, you need to be accepted as a member of the Pick Hawke’s Bay cooperative. For information about joining Pick Hawke’s Bay and to obtain an application form for membership, please contact our office.

What do I need to provide?

All prospective and current members of Pick Hawke’s Bay must be reputable employers. They must also have:

  • A high standard of workplace practices;
  • financial stability;
  • A history or compliance with New Zealand’s employment and immigration laws;
  • A safe and compliant worksite.

Services and Costs

Pick Hawke’s Bay’s job is to take care of virtually all aspects of the recruitment and employment of RSE workers for the members of our cooperative. All that is required of members is to ensure workers are kept busy on the orchard or farm. Everything else will be handled by Pick Hawke’s Bay.

Approval to recruit Pacific Island staff

On behalf of the members of the cooperative, Pick Hawke’s Bay will apply to Immigration New Zealand for approval to employ RSE workers from the eligible Pacific Island countries.

This step happens after discussions between Pick Hawke’s Bay and members to confirm their upcoming seasonal labour requirements, i.e. the number of workers they need and the length of time they need them.


Once approval to recruit workers has been granted by Immigration New Zealand, Pick Hawke’s Bay will facilitate the offshore recruitment process. We will normally travel to the Pacific, meet with our returning and prospective workers, and get things ready for the upcoming season.

Travel Arrangements

Pick Hawke’s Bay will organise travel for workers to and from New Zealand. This includes:

  • Booking flights for the workers from their home country to New Zealand;
  • Organising transport from their port of arrival to their town of work;
  • Facilitating their departure when their employment ends.


Pick Hawke’s Bay will employ the RSE workers on behalf of members. This means the workers will sign our employment contract and we will be responsible for their statutory requirements, such as payroll and tax.


Pick Hawke’s Bay will organise furnished accommodation for our workers. If they wish, members are welcome to accommodate workers on their orchards or in rental properties they own. We will regularly monitor all accommodation sites to make sure our workers’ living conditions are comfortable, and any issues that come up are addressed and resolved quickly.


Pick Hawke’s Bay will organise transport for our workers between their accommodation and their worksites.

Pastoral Care

We provide pastoral care to our workers – all hours of the day or night, all days of the week. Pastoral care is a vital part of employing workers under the RSE scheme. Our pastoral care services include:

  • Assisting with workers’ inductions to their workplaces and accommodation sites;
  • Helping workers with their banking requirements, organising grocery shopping, maintaining health and hygiene, participating in recreational activities, and providing for religious observance;
  • Providing translation services during and after work hours;
  • Educating workers on New Zealand laws and customs.

What costs are involved for members of the Pick Hawke’s Bay cooperative?

For information about our costing structure, please contact us.